- Who We Are: Underground Utility Locating was established in 1997.Gary has been in the industry for more then 20 years undertaking Major Electrical and Telecommunication projects.
What We Do: We are specialized Utility Location Experts. We Locate all types of telecommunications cabling such as Optic Fibre, H.V. and L.V. Electrical, Water, Gas, Sewer, etc .
All types of conduits and ducts including P.V.C, Asbestos cement, PE and other non-conductive services. Also experienced Cable Fault Location using TDR and earth frame equipment .
We were one of the first in Queensland using GPR Radar technology, and have constantly upgraded our gear. We also use the very latest RF equipment, conductive rods etc, to complete those difficult locates.
Our Qualifications: UUL is BYDA ( Before You Dig Australia ) Certified and a member of N.U.L.C.A Australia, approved by all major utilities including Telstra, Energex, Ergon Energy and many local shire and town councils.
We hold all construction OHS site safety certificates, first aid tickets, trade licenses and comply with Workplace Health and Safety standards.
Areas We Service: We services all areas of Qld and Northern NSW and have completed many major pipeline projects in Queensland .
Qualifications and Accreditations
QLD Site Safety Blue Cards.
Australia wide P.L Insurences.
Nulca Locating Course, Cerfiticates, Active Member.
Licenced Electrical Mechanic / Contractor.
Open Master Cable Licence (ACRS).
Authorised person with Ergon Energy and Energex.
First Aid Certificates.
Gas Detector Operators.